See below for some
event ideas to consider for your next mentoring meeting. For example, you could attend the event together as a mentoring pair and then setup a follow-up time to discuss the event topic(s).
Comment on this post to share other industry events that may be of interest to program members.
March 27Salary Gap Series I with Kathryn Mayer, KC Mayer Consulting, Inc.“Building Healthy Competitive Relationships at Work
for Career Advancement - Get a Pacing Partner”
1290 Avenue of the Americas
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: $30
April 3Salary Gap Series II with Kathy Aaronson, CEO/Founder, The Sales Athlete“Are You Worth Your Weight in Gold? How to Negotiate a Fort Knox Salary”
1290 Avenue of the Americas
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: $30
April 10Salary Gap Series III with Terri Edelman, Principal & Founder, The Edelman Group“Essential Elements for a Successful Game Plan to Market Yourself”
1290 Avenue of the Americas
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: $30
April 17“2008 Impact Awards AWNY Celebrates Mentoring” LuncheonConfirmed participants to date:
Donna Campanella, Executive Director, Global Media, Avon Products, Inc. and Charlie Rutman, CEO, MPG
Sarah Fay, CEO, Isobar and David Verklin, CEO, Aegis Media Americas
Robin Steinberg, SVP Director, Print Investment & Activation, MediaVest
and Donna Speciale, President, MediaVest Worldwide
New York Hilton
1335 Avenue of the Americas
11:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Members: $125 / Guests: $200 / Tables $1,750
April 30Changing the Game Awards LuncheonNew York Hilton
1335 Avenue of the Americas
Cocktails: 11:45 a.m. Luncheon: 12:00 p.m.
Members: $125 / Guests: $200 / Tables $1,750
Registration: or 212-221-7969