Ruby Gottlieb, Director of Learning & Development Initiatives at
Horizon Media Inc., shared with us an article recently published in The New York Times Jobs section on how the modern mentee has gone from being a silent partner to a contributor of ideas and even a reverse mentor. Here is an excerpt:
A Modern Mentor Is a Listener, Too by Eilene ZimmermanPublished on June 4 2010 in
The New York TimesTraditionally, a mentor has been someone senior to you who helps you build skills and make connections. Although that definition generally still holds, the boundaries have changed somewhat, says Lois J. Zachary, president of Leadership Development Services in Phoenix and author of “The Mentee’s Guide: Making Mentoring Work for You.”
“The mentee or protégé has gone from being a passive learner — where the mentoring is done to you as you sit at the foot of the master — to an active learner who directs the process,” Ms. Zachary says. “It’s much more collaborative now; there is more precision and structure.”
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